DISCOVERIES (ISSN 2359-7232), 2014, July-September
Maheshwari S, Singh AK, Arya RK, Pandey D, Singh A, Datta D. Exosomes: Emerging Players of Intercellular Communication in Tumor Microenvironment. Discoveries 2014, Jul-Sep; 2(3): e26. DOI: 10.15190/d.2014.18
Submitted: August 01, 2014; Revised: September 24, 2014; Accepted: September 25, 2014; Published: September 25, 2014;
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Exosomes: Emerging Players of Intercellular Communication in Tumor Microenvironment
Shrankhla Maheshwari (#,1,2), Anup Kumar Singh (#,1), Rakesh Kumar Arya(#,1), Deepti Pandey(1), Akhilesh Singh(1), Dipak Datta(1,2,*)
(1) Biochemistry Division, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow-226031, India
(2) Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, New Delhi, India
# These authors contributed equally to this work;
*Corresponding author: Dipak Datta, Biochemistry Division, CSIR-CDRI, B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow- 226031, India, Tel: 91-522-2772450 (Extn-4347/48), Fax: 191-522-2771941, E-mail: dipak.datta@cdri.res.in
Seminal discoveries have established the role of complex tumor microenvironment (TME) in cancer progression; and later on also uncovered that vesiculation is an integral part of intercellular communication among various cell types in coordinating the tumor assembly in a dynamic manner. Exosomes are small membrane bound endosomal vesicles, which are classically known for their role in discarding cellular wastes; however, recent reports underlined their novel role in malignancy by their release from cells into the TME. Since then, the role of exosomes have been a subject of increasing interest, as exosome mediated intercellular communications offer a novel reciprocal relationship between cancer and stromal cells within the TME and modulate the fate and function of the recipient cells to finally shape the tumor progression. Exosomes are characterised by different features including size, content and mode of delivery; and its cargo delivers interesting bioactive components in the form of proteins, miRNAs or other molecules to the target cell. In the pursuit of further study of exosomes, it was found that with the help of its distinct bioactive components, exosomes specifically regulate tumor growth, angiogenesis, metastasis as well as drug resistance properties. In fact, it acts as a bridge between different signaling networks, present inside the spatially distant cells of the heterogeneous tumor population. In the current endeavour, we have highlighted the role of exosomes in modulating the intercellular crosstalk during tumor growth and progression, and proposed certain novel roles of exosomes to address the few enigmatic questions of cancer cell biology.
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From now on and for at least 1 year, we will only accept articles from authors that are NOT members of Discoveries' Editorial Board. All articles submitted by our editors will be immediately rejected until further notice (one accepted article was already rejected).
- 2018 | PubMed inclusion News!
Discoveries successfully passed the Scientific Quality Review by NLM-NIH for PubMedCentral and PubMed indexing. This is the first and the most important step towards PubMedCentral and PubMed indexing! The second (last) step is the Technical Review.
- 2016, April | Faster Peer-Review
Starting on April 13th 2016, all articles selected for a peer-review will receive the post peer-review decision within ~10 days. The initial pre-screening time will remain the same (48h from the submission of the manuscript). This decision will significantly accelerate the publication, with no effect on the quality of the peer-review process.
- 2016, February | Manuscript submission
Discoveries is commited to excellence, quality and high editorial standards. We are receiving an increasing number of manuscripts for which the identity of the authors/corresponding author can't be verified. Please NOTE that ALL these articles were and will be immediately REJECTED. Indicating an institutional email address is the easiest way to overcome this problem! Moreover, we do not accept any pressure on our editorial board to accept a manuscript. This results in a prompt rejection of the article.
Editorial Policies - 2016, January | Main Objective
After reaching all proposed milestones until now (including being indexed by Google Scholar in 2014), Discoveries' next Aim is PubMed indexing of all its articles (already published and upcoming). There will be no charge for the submission or publication of articles before Discoveries is indexed.
- 2015, August | Discoveries - on PubMed
We are happy to announce that our first Discoveries articles were included in PMC and PubMed. More articles (submitted by NIH funded authors) are now processed for being included.
Discoveries articles now on PubMed - 2015, April | Special Issue
DISCOVERIES published the SPECIAL ISSUE entitled "INFLAMMATION BETWEEN DEFENSE AND DISEASE: Impact on Tissue Repair and Chronic Sickness".
Special Issue on "Inflammation" - 2015 | Ischemia Collection
DISCOVERIES launched a call for papers for a Collection of Articles with focus on "ISCHEMIA". If you are interested to submit a manuscript, please contact us at info@discoveriesjournals.org
- 2014, September | Special Issue
DISCOVERIES just publish the SPECIAL ISSUE entitled "CELL SECRETION & MEMBRANE FUSION" in September 2014. Initially scheduled for publication between October 2014-March 2015, this issue was successfully published earlier than scheduled.
Special Issue - 2014, April | Indexed by Google Scholar
All our published articles are now indexed by Google Scholar! First citations to Discoveries articles are included! Search for the article's title (recommended) or the authors:
Google Scholar Search - 2014 | DISCOVERIES
DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) are now assigned to all our published manuscripts in Discoveries. DOI uniquely identifies an article and is provided by CrossRef.
CrossRef - 2013, July | Manuscript Submission
Submit your manuscript FREE, FAST and EASY ! (in less than 1 minute)! There are NO fees for the manuscript submission or publishing of the accepted manuscripts.
read more - 2013, July | DISCOVERIES
We are now ACCEPTING MANUSCRIPTS for publishing in DISCOVERIES. We aim publishing a small number of high impact experimental articles & reviews (around 40/year) to maintain a high impact factor. Domains of interest: all areas related to Medicine, Biology and Chemistry ...
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