DISCOVERIES (ISSN 2359-7232), 2014, July-September
Jena B. Porosome in Cystic Fibrosis. Discoveries 2014, Jul-Sep; 2(3): e24. DOI: 10.15190/d.2014.16
Submitted: June 09, 2014; Revised: September 04, 2014; Accepted: September 05, 2014; Published: September 28, 2014;
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Porosome in Cystic Fibrosis
Bhanu P. Jena*
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Detroit, MI, USA
*Correspondence to:
Bhanu P. Jena, Ph.D., D.Sc., (dr. h.c. mult.), George E. Palade University Professor, Distinguished Professor, Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Director of the NanoBioScience Institute, 540 E. Canfield, 5245 Gordon Scott Hall, Detroit, MI 48201-1928, Phone: 313-577-1532, Fax: 313-993-4177, E-mail: bjena@med.wayne.edu
Macromolecular structures embedded in the cell plasma membrane called ‘porosomes’, are involved in the regulated fractional release of intravesicular contents from cells during secretion. Porosomes range in size from 15 nm in neurons and astrocytes to 100-180 nm in the exocrine pancreas and neuroendocrine cells. Porosomes have been isolated from a number of cells, and their morphology, composition, and functional reconstitution well documented. The 3D contour map of the assembly of proteins within the porosome complex, and its native X-ray solution structure at sub-nm resolution has also advanced. This understanding now provides a platform to address diseases that may result from secretory defects. Water and ion binding to mucin impart hydration, critical for regulating viscosity of the mucus in the airways epithelia. Appropriate viscosity is required for the movement of mucus by the underlying cilia. Hence secretion of more viscous mucus prevents its proper transport, resulting in chronic and fatal airways disease such as cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is caused by the malfunction of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a chloride channel transporter, resulting in viscous mucus in the airways. Studies in mice lacking functional CFTR secrete highly viscous mucous that adhered to the epithelium. Since CFTR is known to interact with the t-SNARE protein syntaxin-1A, and with the chloride channel CLC-3, which are also components of the porosome complex, the interactions between CFTR and the porosome complex in the mucin-secreting human airway epithelial cell line Calu-3 was hypothesized and tested. Results from the study demonstrate the presence of approximately 100 nm in size porosome complex composed of 34 proteins at the cell plasma membrane in Calu-3 cells, and the association of CFTR with the complex. In comparison, the nuclear pore complex measures 120 nm and is comprised of over 500 protein molecules. The involvement of CFTR in porosome-mediated mucin secretion is hypothesized, and is currently being tested.
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Submit your manuscript FREE, FAST and EASY ! (in less than 1 minute)! There are NO fees for the manuscript submission or publishing of the accepted manuscripts.
read more - 2013, July | DISCOVERIES
We are now ACCEPTING MANUSCRIPTS for publishing in DISCOVERIES. We aim publishing a small number of high impact experimental articles & reviews (around 40/year) to maintain a high impact factor. Domains of interest: all areas related to Medicine, Biology and Chemistry ...
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