Volume 1

All manuscripts from Volume 1 are now published.
DISCOVERIES REPORTS: publishing discoveries in medicine, biology and chemistry
Octavian Bucur* and Elisa A. Liehn**Read FULL ARTICLE (pdf) Abstract, Citation & References
**IMCAR, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Ultra-rapid non-invasive clinical nano-diagnosis of inflammatory diseases
Mihaela Rusu, Alexander Dulebo, Adelina Curaj and Elisa A. LiehnRead FULL ARTICLE (pdf) Abstract, Citation & References Citations: 1
EGFR and HER2 levels are frequently elevated in colon cancer cells
SiShi Li, Elizabeth Buchbinder, Lihua Wu, Jeffrey D. Bjorge, Donald J. Fujita and Shudong ZhuRead FULL ARTICLE (pdf) Abstract, Citation & References Citations: 12
REVIEW Article
Ibrutinib: a promising novel therapy for B-cell hematologic malignancies
Georgiana R. Dumitrascu and Octavian BucurRead FULL ARTICLE (pdf) Abstract, Citation & References
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- 2021, July| 2021, Jul-Aug
Due to the high volume of the submitted articles, both Discoveries Reports and Discoveries are experiencing processing and publication delays in the months of July and August 2021. We will get back to the normal processing and publication times starting in September/October 2021. Note that our editorial and administrativ work is fully funded by the publishing house at this time and we are striving to KEEP THE NO FEE/NO CHARGE strategy in place as long as possible.
- 2020, April | For Authors!
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We are now ACCEPTING MANUSCRIPTS for DISCOVERIES REPORTS, publishing inovative and important research findings from all areas related to Medicine, Biology and Chemistry. We are also accepting experimental articles that validate/invalidate highly used reagents in current publications (ex. antibodies) and selected articles presenting negative data with impact and of wide scientific interest ...
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