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Inhalation versus intraperitoneal oxytocin administration in mice

DISCOVERIES REPORTS (ISSN 2393249X), 2016, volume 2


Kobylinska L, Geagulea G, Berbecar V, Stancu M, Stefan AM, Zagrean AM, Zagrean L. Inhalation versus intraperitoneal oxytocin administration in Swiss-Albino Mice. Discoveries Reports 2016; 2: e5. DOI: 10.15190/drep.2016.1

 Submitted: May 20th, 2016; Revised: June 10th, 2016; Accepted: June 22nd, 2016Published: July 3rd, 2016;

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Inhalation versus intraperitoneal oxytocin administration in Swiss-Albino Mice 

Liana Kobylinska (1,2,*), Gabriel Geagulea (3), Vlad Berbecar (4), Mihai Stancu (3), Adriana Maria Stefan (3), Ana-Maria Zagrean (2), Leon Zagrean (2,*) 

(1) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” Clinical Psychiatry Hospital, Bucharest, Romania;

(2) Physiology and Fundamental Neuroscience Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania;

(3) Romanian Group of Research in Neuroscience, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania;

(4) Nephrology Department, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania;

*Correspondence toLeon Zagrean, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Physiology, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Liana Kobylinska, MD, “Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia” Clinical Psychiatry Hospital, Bucharest, Romania; Emails: lzagrean@univermed-cdgm.ro and vnedescu@yahoo.com


BACKGROUND: Oxytocin modulates several social behaviors, with research results focusing on its role as potential adjunctive dedication in psychiatric disorders. This raises the necessity for a less stressful, translational way of oxytocin delivery in animal models. The aim of this paper is to provide a comparison between mice’s open field test (OFT) behavior after a single inhalator (Inh), respectively intraperitoneal (IP) oxytocin administration.

METHODS: Forty-four male Swiss-Albino mice were divided into three groups- oxytocin, no-procedure (control) and placebo, according to the administered substance. The substances were delivered either through IP injection, or through a 22 minutes nebulization. The mice in the oxytocin group received 1 UI of oxytocin, whereas those in the placebo group got the equivalent amount of saline. OFT was performed 30 to 90 minutes after the administration.

RESULTS: The time spent in the center varied among the groups (F(4,44)=3.224, p=0.022), due to the fact that the mice that received inhalatory oxytocin spent more time in the center than those in the control group and than those that were administered the substances intraperitoneally. The mice that received IP oxytocin had fewer boli emissions than all the other mice, whereas the mice that received Inh oxytocin had more boli emissions that those that received placebo, either inhalatory or intraperitoneally.

CONCLUSION: We may conclude that group inhalator delivery of oxytocin seems preferable to the intraperitoneal injection way, with higher anxiolytic effects at the same dose.


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