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Critical physiological and pathological functions of
Forkhead Box O tumor suppressors

DISCOVERIES (ISSN 2359-7232),2013, October-December

Dumitrascu GR, Bucur O. Critical physiological and pathological functions of Forkhead Box O tumor suppressors. Discoveries 2013, Oct-Dec; 1(1): e5.
DOI: 10.15190/d.2013.5

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Critical physiological and pathological functions of Forkhead Box O tumor suppressors

MD (1) and MD (2)*

(1) “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology and Biomedical Sciences, Bucharest, Romania;
(2) Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA;

Correspondence to: Dr. Octavian Bucur, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA, 02215, USA. E-mail: obucur@bidmc.harvard.edu.


The Forkhead box, subclass O (FOXO) proteins are critical transcription factors, ubiquitously expressed in the human body. These proteins are characterized by a remarkable functional diversity, being involved in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, oxidative detoxification, DNA damage repair, stem cell maintenance, cell differentiation, cell metabolism, angiogenesis, cardiac development, aging and others. In addition, FOXO have critical implications in both normal and cancer stem cell biology. New strategies to modulate FOXO expression and activity may now be developed since the discovery of novel FOXO regulators and non-coding RNAs (such as microRNAs) targeting FOXO transcription factors. This review focuses on physiological and pathological functions of FOXO proteins and on their action as fine regulators of cell fate and context-dependent cell decisions. A better understanding of the structure and critical functions of FOXO transcription factors and tumor suppressors may contribute to the development of novel therapies for cancer and other diseases.

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118. Abid MR, Yano K, Guo S, Patel VI, Shrikhande G, et al. Forkhead transcription factors inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and neointimal hyperplasia. J Biol Chem. 2005; 280(33):29864-73. PMID: 15961397.
119. Tsuchiya K, Westerterp M, Murphy AJ, Subramanian V, Ferrante AW Jr, et al. Expanded granulocyte/monocyte compartment in myeloid-specific triple FoxO knockout increases oxidative stress and accelerates atherosclerosis in mice. Circ Res. 2013; 112(7):992-1003. PMID: 23420833.
120. Watkins WJ, Umbers AJ, Woad KJ, Harris SE, Winship IM, et al. Mutational screening of FOXO3A and FOXO1A in women with premature ovarian failure. Fertil Steril. 2006; 86(5):1518-21. PMID: 16979636.
121. Yilmaz OH, Morrison SJ. The PI-3kinase pathway in hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia-initiating cells: a mechanistic difference between normal and cancer stem cells. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2008; 41(1):73-6. PMID: 18387833.
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123. Eijkelenboom A, Burgering BM. FOXOs: signalling integrators for homeostasis maintenance. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2013; 14(2):83-97. PMID: 23325358.
124. Kwei KA, Baker JB, Pelham RJ. Modulators of sensitivity and resistance to inhibition of PI3K identified in a pharmacogenomic screen of the NCI-60 human tumor cell line collection. PLoS One. 2012; 7(9):e46518. PMID: 23029544.
125. Moghaddas Gholami A, Hahne H, Wu Z, Auer FJ, Meng C, et al. Global proteome analysis of the NCI-60 cell line panel. Cell Rep. 2013; 4(3):609-20. PMID:23933261.
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129. Wondisford AR, Xiong L, Chang E, Meng S, Meyers DJ, et al. Control of Foxo1 Gene Expression by Co-activator P300. J Biol Chem. 2014; 289(7):4326-33. PMID: 24379407.
130. van Roon EH, Boot A, Dihal AA, Ernst RF, van Wezel T, et al. BRAF mutation-specific promoter methylation of FOX genes in colorectal cancer. Clin Epigenetics. 2013; 5(1):2. PMID: 23324568.
131. Albulescu R, Neagu M, Albulescu L, Tanase C.Tissular and soluble miRNAs for diagnostic and therapy improvement in digestive tract cancers. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2011 Jan;11(1):101-20. doi: 10.1586/erm.10.106. PMID:21171925.
132. Neagu M, Constantin C, Tanase C. Immune-related biomarkers for diagnosis/prognosis and therapy monitoring of cutaneous melanoma. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2010; 10(7): 897-919. PMID: 20964610.
133. Kim KM, Park SJ, Jung SH, Kim EJ, Jogeswar G, et al. miR-182 is a negative regulator of osteoblast proliferation, differentiation, and skeletogenesis through targeting FoxO1. J Bone Miner Res. 2012; 27(8):1669-79. PMID: 22431396.
134. Guo Y, Liu H, Zhang H, Shang C, Song Y.miR-96 regulates FOXO1-mediated cell apoptosis in bladder cancer. Oncol Lett. 2012; 4(3):561-565. PMID: 23741253.
135. Lin H, Dai T, Xiong H, Zhao X, Chen X, et al. Unregulated miR-96 induces cell proliferation in human breast cancer by downregulating transcriptional factor FOXO3a. PLoS One. 2010; 5(12):e15797.
136. Xie L, Ushmorov A, Leithäuser F, Guan H, Steidl C, et al. FOXO1 is a tumor suppressor in classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood. 2012; 119(15):3503-11. PMID: 22343918.
137. Wu Z, Sun H, Zeng W, He J, Mao X. Upregulation of MircoRNA-370 induces proliferation in human prostate cancer cells by downregulating the transcription factor FOXO1. PLoS One. 2012; 7(9):e45825. PMID: 23029264.
138. Wu C, Jin B, Chen L, Zhuo D, Zhang Z, et al. MiR-30d induces apoptosis and is regulated by the Akt/FOXO pathway in renal cell carcinoma. Cell Signal. 2013; 25(5):1212-21. PMID: 23416459.
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140. Brett JO, Renault VM, Rafalski VA, Webb AE, Brunet A. The microRNA cluster miR-106b~25 regulates adult neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation. Aging (Albany NY). 2011; 3(2):108-24. PMID: 21386132.

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